What is the BioTransducer® Crystal Wave?

BioTransducer® Technology provides no-touch, painless therapy. The Tennant BioModulator® transmits frequencies and voltage that the BioTransducer® delivers on a carrier wave into the tissue, through skin and bone. Using the BioTransducer® to deliver the frequencies and voltage speeds up therapy time.

The BioTransducer® is not a laser. The BioTransducer® can be used through clothing allowing the BioModulator® therapies to be delivered anywhere on the body without the need for direct skin contact.

Backed by science.

Dr. Tennant has dedicated his life to using his Tennant Devices to help his patients get well, and he has the clinical studies to prove it.

"One of my primary missions is to research and share my findings and enable others to educate themselves and discover answers to their unique health-related questions through wellness.” – Dr. Jerry Tennant

Read Clinical Studies


What does the BioTransducer® Crystal Wave feel like?

Some users experience a subtle tingle or sensation of warmth from the BioTransducer®. Most people don’t feel any sensations when using the BioTransducer®. You may feel initial apprehension about providing therapy to yourself or others. When you carefully follow the instructions and directions, there’s no need to be concerned. The devices and therapy steps were created with the knowledge that application will be general and does not have to be precisely aligned with any given point of the body. Even if you are providing the therapy to a different area than intended, it is not harmful and, in most cases, will still benefit you.

How do I use the BioTransducer® Crystal Wave?


1. Connect the BioTransducer® to the Tennant BioModulator® with the connection wire. Use care when plugging the wire into the port on the BioModulator®. You can cause damage to your BioModulator® if it is knocked or bumped when plugged in. It is very important to remove the plug when not in use.

2. Turn on your BioModulator® (Pro or Plus).

3. Set the mode.

For BioModulator® Plus:

• TEN-8 for pain and inflammation related to muscle, bone, ligament, and tendons.

• INFINITY for all other issues related to organs and general health.

• INFINITY for eye treatment.

For BioModulator® Pro:

• TEN-8 for pain and inflammation related to muscle, bone, ligament, and tendons.

• INFINITY for all other issues related to organs and general health. • VA-STEP for eye treatment.

4. Adjust the power by pressing the + and – buttons. Since there is no skin contact you may increase the power as high as you want when using it on the body. When using it on the eyes set the power as is indicated in the eye treatment section (reference Quick Start Guide)

5. Point the BioTransducer® at the area of concern, holding it between 1⁄2 an inch to 3 inches away from the body.

6. As a general guideline, therapy times are flexible just as they are when using the BioModulator® alone.

For example:

a) 5 – 20 minutes for minor issues and for general use.

b) As long as needed for more serious conditions.

Tip: Therapy can continue for several hours when you mount the BioTransducer® to a mic stand and position it on the area of concern.

What is Dr. Tennant's Daily Protocol?

NOTE: You must have a BioModulator® device to complete this protocol.

This daily protocol will help balance and prepare your body so it can properly receive and use the voltage provided by your BioModulator® device for healing. This is accomplished by waking up and “activating” your organ systems, resetting your polarity so electrons flow correctly, balancing your autonomic nervous system, and recharging your whole body.

Click Here to read & download the full PDF on the Daily Protocol

Click Here to watch the Daily Protocol How-To Video

Where can I learn more about the BioTransducer® Crystal Wave?

Click here to read an introduction to Healing is Voltage™, everything you need to know about getting started with your devices & Dr. Tennant’s Health System.

Also, you can download this detailed instructional guide on how to care for and use your BioModulator® Plus to its fullest potential.

Click Here for the BioTransducer® Crystal Wave QUICK START GUIDE

BioTransducer® Technology